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  • Research

Research is needed to better understand how anxiety affects heart patients

What we know about anxiety and heart disease is merely “the tip of the iceberg,” scientists say

Canada’s largest annual cardiovascular event underway in Vancouver

Catch highlights from the congress floor and more!

Dr. Peter Liu looks back on a decade at helm of Heart Institute’s research enterprise

Dr. Peter Liu is chiefly responsible for uniting the Heart Institute’s research division on the hallmarks of teamwork and team spirit

Heart Institute marks 40 years of life-saving transplants

It’s a remarkable feat of science and innovation, a team effort through and through – and the Heart Institute has excelled at it for decades

Recognized for lifelong achievement, Dr. Terrence Ruddy shines light back on others

A pillar in the world of cardiovascular nuclear medicine, Dr. Ruddy said: “People make all the difference.”

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