The Latest in Heart Health, Cardiovascular Care, and Research

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Research chair in cardiac anesthesiology poised to engage and inspire

The University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) and the UOHI Foundation have established a $1M research chair to improve care and experiences for hundreds of thousands of patients who require life-saving heart surgeries and procedures each year. The J. Earl Wynands Associate Chair in Cardiac

Takeaways from Canada’s largest cardiovascular congress

Cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, researchers, nurses and other cardiovascular specialists from across the country and around the globe travelled to Ottawa last week to attend the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (CCC), the flagship event of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) and the country’s

Patient establishes legacy fund to honour surgeon who saved his life

Dr. Thierry Mesana’s legacy as the valve surgeon at the helm of the Heart Institute lives on with significant endowment from a former patient Thierry Mesana, MD, is nearing the end of his second term as president and CEO of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. The heart valve surgeon who

Nordic walking provides sustained health benefits to heart patients

All exercise is good, and some is better than none, but the health benefits of Nordic walking are superior, study finds. Cardiovascular rehab programs and exercise in general is known to improve the health of people with heart disease. However, less is known about whether such improvements are

The golden future of cardiac tissue repair

Researchers at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have discovered gold nanoparticles and synthesized peptides restore function, contractility, and electrical conductivity to damaged heart tissue – a scientific feat which may one day be applied to save human lives. The breakthrough

Why wear red this weekend?

Please consider sharing this article widely using the hashtag #HerHeartMatters. It’s an alarming truth: Globally, heart diseases affect one in three women, yet, in 2022, women are under studied, under diagnosed, under treated, and under aware when it comes to their heart health. This truth is

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