The Latest in Heart Health, Cardiovascular Care, and Research

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Recounting your top Beats of 2021

The holiday season has come and gone. So, while we’re still honouring our New Year, New Me mantra, lets revisit our most popular stories from last year. Health podcast helps listeners be “heart-wise” It’s March 2021: The Heart Institute’s Division of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation releases

Experimental therapy reduces cardiac-damaging toxin produced by heart attacks

Scientists at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have developed a promising new therapy that successfully targets methylglyoxal (MG), a molecule that “toxifies” the heart following a heart attack, according to a study published in Advanced Functional Materials. Under normal conditions

Canadians from coast to coast to coast JUMP IN™ for women’s heart health

Canadians took to their phones last month to share photos and videos of themselves completing physical activity challenges in support of women’s heart health. And in doing so, they raised more than just their heart rate. JUMP IN™ for Women’s Heart Health is a national fundraising and women’s heart

Enhancing care, improving outcomes, and optimizing essential resources

Data scientists at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have developed and tested a clinical model to accurately predict the risk of death and unplanned cardiac hospitalization for patients awaiting heart surgery. Unplanned cardiac hospitalization refers to nonelective (urgent) admission

Five ways to enhance cardiovascular rehab for women during pandemic

Within weeks of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs around the world suspended in-person services due to social distancing measures put in place to help flatten the curve. Considering the unprecedented disruption to the delivery of traditional CR delivered at

The Beat Audio: Drs. Bob Reid and Peter Liu talk COVID-19 vaccines

Heart Institute scientist says “get vaccinated as soon as possible” In April, The Beat interviewed Dr. Peter Liu, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s chief scientific officer, about coronavirus variants and how they are changing the pandemic landscape in Canada. Dr. Liu then appeared on an

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