The Berkman Library provides onsite research and reference services to staff and students of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI).
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Literature searching and search alerts
Librarian-designed literature searches to support decision-making, clinical care and/or research planning. The librarian can also help you create personalized search alerts on topics that interest you in databases like PubMed.
Article and book procurement
We can obtain most articles or books you require for your research.
- Send us your requests at berkmanlibrary@ottawaheart.ca
- uOttawa affiliates: Use Omni to submit interlibrary loan requests
Personal or group training on: searching various databases, finding full-text articles, reference management software (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero), Covidence, research impact metrics, open access publishing, etc.
Research support
We are onsite to help you with all your research needs. Come visit us in the library or invite us to your office! Our librarian is an experienced systematic review searcher. Contact us for support in question refinement, search strategy development, and review management software.
UOHI publications
We produce monthly lists of UOHI publications. Did we miss your publication? Let us know!