Nominations et affiliations
Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa
Professeur agrégé, Chirurgie cardiaque
Université d’Ottawa
Le Dr Roy Masters est cardiologue à l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa et professeur agrégé de chirurgie cardiaque à l’Université d’Ottawa.
Le Dr Masters a obtenu son doctorat en médecine en 1978 de l’Université Memorial à St. John's, Terre-Neuve, sa ville natale et la ville où il a grandi. Il a par la suite été admis comme associé du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada (FRCSC) en chirurgie générale en 1984 et en chirurgie cardiovasculaire et thoracique en 1986. À l’issue de sa formation en chirurgie à Ottawa, il a accepté une bourse de recherche clinique à l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Intérêts cliniques et de recherche
Le Dr Masters s’intéresse à l’assistance circulatoire mécanique et à la transplantation
- Kulik, Lam, Rubens, Hendry, Masters, Goldstein, Mesana, Ruel. Gender differences in the long-term outcome after valve replacement. Heart 2008 July 24.
- Kulik, Al-Saigh, Chan, Masters, Bedard, Lam, Rubens, Hendry, Mesana. Enlargement of the small aortic root during aortic valve replacement: is there a benefit? Ann Thor Surg 2008 Jan;85(1):94-100.
- Davies, Veinot, Willimas, Haddad, Baker, Donaldson, Struthers, Masters, Hendry, Mesana. Assessment of cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters to facilitate conversion from C0 to C2 monitoring in heart transplantation. Transplant Proc 2007 Dec;39(10):3334-3339.
- Ruel, Chan, Bedard, Kulik, Ressler, Lam, Ruenns, Goldstein, Hendry, Masters, Mesana. Very long-term survival implications of heart valve replacement with tissue versus mechanical prostheses in adults <60 years of age. Circulation 2007 Sept 11 (11 Suppl):1294-1300.
- Lam, Chan, Hendry, Ruel, Masters, Bedard, Goldstein, Rubens, Mesana. The impact of patient-prosthesis mismatch on late outcomes after mitral replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007 June;1464-1467.
- Ibrahim, Hendry, Masters, Rubens, Lam, Ruel, Davies, Haddad, Veinot, Mesana. Management of acute severe perioperative failure of cardiac allografts: a single center experience. Can J Cardiol 2007;23:363-367.
- Surgery For Morbid Obesity. Freeman JB, Masters RG, In Surgical Nutrition, Churchill Livingston l98l.
- Changing Factors Influencing Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Scobie TK, Masters RG, J Cardiovasc Surg, July August 1982.
- Gallstone Ileus in the Absence of the Gallbladder. Masters RG, Wellington JL, Can J Surg, 28;65: 1985.
- Nosocomial Gram Negative Parotitis. Masters RG, Cormier R, Saginur R, Can. J. Surgery, 29;4l:1986 .
- Ventricular Assists for the Failing Heart. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Transplantation Implantation, 4;54 59, l987.
- The Cryopreserved Allograft Valve. Masters RG, Keon WJ, Transplantation Implantation. 4:62;l987.
- Extrinsic Obstruction of the Medtronic Hall Disc Valve in the Mitral Position. Masters RG, Keon WJ, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 45;210, 1988.
- Use of Jarvik Heart As A Bridge to Transplantation. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell E, Proceedings, International Symposium for Treatment of End Stage Coronary Disease Karger, New York, 1988.
- Equestrian Injuries and their Prevention. Masters RG, Canadian Equestrian Federation Bulletin, February 1988.
- Ongoing Role of Pulmonary Embolectomy. Masters RG, Koshal A, Higginson LAJ, Keon WJ, Can J of Cardiol. 4:7;Oct 1988.
- The Lateral Aberrant Thyroid. Barron PT, Masters RG, Contemporary Surgery, 32;67-69, June 1988.
- The Superiority of the Membrane Oxygenator for Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Masters RG, J Cardiothorac Anes 3(2):235-237, April 1989.
- Are Temperatures Attained by Donor Hearts During Transport Too Cold? Hendry PJ, Walley VM, Koshal A, Masters RG, Keon WJ, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:517-22, 1989.
- 14.Pleuro-Pulmonary Complications after Open-Heart Surgery. Shamji F, Sundaresan RSI, Sachs HJ, Keon WJ, Bedard P, Goldstein, WG, Akyurekli Y, Masters RG, Koshal A. Can J Surg 31(4) 273, 1989.
- Hemoptysis: Two unusual causes. Black MD, Masters RG, Walley VM, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol 6(27-30) 1990.
- Equestrian Injuries: A Review. Masters RG, Clinical J Sports Medicine, Raven Press, Ltd. New York 1:123-126, 1991.
- Longterm Clinical Results With the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Xenograft. Masters RG, Pipe AL, Bedard JP, Brais MP, Goldstein WG, Koshal A, Keon WJ. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 101:81-9, 1991.
- Mechanical Bridge to Transplantation: Where Do We Stand in 1990? Koshal A, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Can J Surg 34:6, December 1991.
- Use of Circulatory Assist-Devices in the Failing Heart. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Hendry PJ. J Saudi Heart Association, 4:1, 1992.
- Critical Anatomic Dimensions for Intrathoracic Circulatory Assist Devices. Mussivand T, Masters RG, Hendry PJ. et al. J Artif Int Organs, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1992.
- Multicenter Evaluation of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in Heart Transplant Recipients. Halle AA, Wilson RF, Vetrove GW, et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 11, 3, 1992.
- Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation. Masters RG, Keon WJ, Simon J, Vlad P,Davies RA, Struthers C. Can J Pediatrics, Aug 1992.
- Aortic Valve Replacement Within a Composite Graft. Koshal A, Masters RG, Gill IS, Keon WJ. Journal of Cardiovascul Surgery, Vol 1, No. 1, Feb. 1993.
- Current Functional Status of Symbion Total Artificial Heart Recipients Post-Transplantation. Johnson KE, Farley MB, Grady KL, Capretta CJ, Masters RG, Cleavinger M, Emery RW. ASAIO Transactions, (in press)
- Surgery for Cardiac Tumors: The University of Ottawa Heart Institute Experience. Wiatrowska B, Walley VW, Masters RG, Goldstein WG, Keon WJ. Can. J. Cardiol. Vol. 9, No.1, Jan/Feb. 1992.
- Analysis of Deaths Following Cardiac Transplantation: The University of Ottawa Heart Institute Experience. Walley VM, Masters RG, Boone S, Wolfsohn A, Davies RA, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. J. Heart and Lung Transplantation, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept-Oct, 1993.
- Foreign Materials Found in the Cardiovascular System After Instrumentation or Surgery. Including a Guide to Their Light Microscopic Identification. Walley VM, Masters RG, Stinson WA, Mussivand T, Sautere P, Ghadially FN. Cardiovas. Pathology, Vol 2, No. 3, Jul-Sept, 1993.
- Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System Performance Evaluation, Mussivand T, Miller J, Santerre P, Belanger G, Rajagopalan K, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes K, Robichaud R, Keaney M, Walley VM, Keon WJ. Artificial Organs, Vol 17, No. 11, Jan. 1993.
- Neuroendocrine Response to Cardiac Transplantation, Masters RG, Davies RA, Keon WJ, Walley VM, Koshal A, DeBold AJ. Can J Cardiol, Vol 9, No.7, Sept 1993.
- 3Development of a Totally Implantable Intrathoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Szurmak Z, Rajagopalan K, Robichaud R, Hum A, Holmes H, MacLean G, Hendry P, Masters RG, Bourke M, Keaney M, Seymour R, Royle R, King M, Walley VM, Olsen D, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol 10(Suppl C): 72C, 1994.
- The Surgical Anastomoses after Orthotopic Heart Transplantation. Wolfsohn AL, Walley VM, Masters RG, Keon WJ. J. Heart & Lung Transplantation. Vol #13, #3, May-June 1994.
- Is There a Place for Cold Crystalloid Cardioplegia in the 1990's? Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Haspect A. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 58, #6, Dec. 1994.
- Retrograde Dislodgement of a Harken Mitral Valve Disc Occluder.Federico J, Masters RG, Walley WM, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol, Vol 10, No. #, April 1994.
- Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation for Profound Cardiovascular Collapse. Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Walley WM, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol 10(Suppl C): 136C, 1994.
- The Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP) Study: Design of a Randomized Clinical Trial, Baseline Data and Implications for a Long-Term Outcome Trial. Pepine CJ, Geller NL, Knatterud GL, and ACIP investigators (incl. Masters RG). J. Amer. College of Cardiol, Vol 24, #1, July 1994.
- Effects of Treatment Strategies to Suppress Ischemia in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: 12-Week Results of the Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP) Study. Knatterud GL, Bourassa MG, Pepine CJ and ACIP Investigators (incl. R.G.Masters) J. Amer. College of Cardiol, Vol 24, #1, July 1994.
- The Influence of HLA Compatibility on Graft Survival After Heart Transplantation. Opelz, G, Wujciak T and the Transplant Registry (incl RG Masters). N Eng J Med, 330, 1994.
- Recovery of Major Organ Function in Patients Awaiting Heart Transplantation with Thoratec Ventricular Assist Devices. Farrar, DJ Ph.D, Hill, JD, and Thoratec Ventricular Assist Device Principal Investigators (incl. Masters R.G.) . J Heart Lung Transplantation, Nov/Dec, 1994.
- Determinants of Hospital Survival Following Cardiac Transplantation. Ibrahim MS, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Struthers C, Walley VM, Keon WJ. J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Vol 59, #3, March 1995.
- Comparative Results with the St. Jude Medical and Medtronic-Hall Valves. Masters RG, Pipe AL, Walley VM, Keon WJ. J. Thorac Cardiovasc. Surg, 110, 1995.
- Complications of Cardiac Valve Surgery and their Autopsy Investigation. Walley VM, Masters RG. Cardiovasc Path, 4, 1995.
- Totally Implantable Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 61, p. 444-447, 1996.
- Long-term Experience with the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Valve. Masters RG, Walley WM, Pipe AL, Keon WJ. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol 60, #2 (Supp), August 1995.
- Assessment of the Cytotoxicity of the Photosensitizing Drug BPD Vertoporfin using Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Culture. Labow RS, Higginson LAJ, Marquis J-F, Masters RG, Walley, Mussivand T, Hsiang YN. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 26; 729:1995.
- Bridge to Transplant with the Cardiowest Total Artificial Heart: The International Experience 1993 - 1995. Copeland JG, Pavie A, Duveau D, Keon WJ, Masters RG, Pifarre R, Smith RG, Arabia FA. J Heart and Lung Transplantation, Vol. 15, #1, Part 1, Jan. 1996.
- Bacterial Pericarditis after Heart Transplantation: Successful Management with Catheter Drainage and Antibiotics. Davies RA, Newton G, Masters RG. Can J. Cardiol. Vol 12,#7, p 641 July 1996.
- The Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP): Outcome at 1 Year for Patients Randomized to Medical Therapy or Revascularization. WJRodgers, MG Bourassa, TC Andrews, Bertolet BD, Blumenthal RS, Chaitman BR, Forman SA, Geller NL, Goldberg AD, Habib G, RG Masters for the ACIP investigators. J.Amer. College Cardiol 26; 1995.
- Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP) Study: Impact of Anti-Ischemia Therapy on 12-Week Rest Electrocardiogram and Exercise Test Outcomes. Chaitman BR, Stone PJ, Knatterud GL, Forman S, Sopko G, Bourassa MG, Pratt C, Rogers WJ, Pepine C, Conti R for the ACIP Investigators (incl. Masters RG). J Amer College Cardiol 26; 1995.
- Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP) Study: Improvement of Cardiac Ischemia at 1 year after PTCA and CABG. M Bourassa, G. Knatterud, CJ Pepine, G.Sopko, WJ Rogers, NL Geller, I Dyrda, SA Forman, BR Chaitman, B. Sharaf, RF Davies, R.Conti for the ACIP Investigators (incl RG Masters). Circulation 92; 9: 1995.
- 5A Transcutaneous Energy and Information Transfer System for Implanted Medical Dvices. Mussivand T, Hum A, Diguer M, Holmes KS, Vecchio G, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Hendry WJ. A.S.A.I.O. Journal 41; 3: 1995.
- Comparative Results with the St.Jude Medical and Medtronic Hall Mechanical Valves. RG Masters, AL Pipe, VM Wally MD, WJ Keon. Year Book of Cardiology, Vol 110, pp.663-671, 1995.
- Angiographic Underestimation of Coronary Artery Disease in a Cardiac Transplant Donor. Veinot JP, Davies RA, Masters RG, Walley VA. Can J Cardiol 11: 11; 1995.
- Cardiac Transplantation after Mechanical Circulatory Support: A Canadian Perspective. RG Masters, PJ Hendry, RA Davies, S Smith, C Struthers, VM Walley, J Veinot, T Mussivand, WJ Keon. Ann Thorac Surg, Vol #61, #6, p 1734-1739, June 1996.
- Left Ventricular Aneurysms: Clinicopathological Review of 10 Years' Experience. Veinot JP, Kos A, Masters RG, Stinson WA, Walley VM. Journal of Surgical Pathology 2, 1-8, 1996.
- A Remotely Controlled and Powered Artificial Heart Pump. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes KS, Hum A, Keon WJ. Artifical Organs, Vol 20, #12, December 1996.
- Evaluation of a Totally Implantable Interthoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Cor Europeaum, The European Journal of Cardiac Intervention (in press).
- The Surgical Pathology of Infective Endocarditis. LeSaux N,Veinot J.P., Masters R.G., Stinson, W.A., Walley V.M. J Surg Pathology (in press)
- Totally Implantable Ventricular Assist Device.Mussivand T, Masters RG Hendry PJ,Keon WJ. Ann Thorac Surg 1996;61:444-7.
- Multipurpose mechanical circulatory device. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Int J Artificial organs 1997; 20:217-221
- Late Sequelae of Traumatic Aortic Rupture. Tam J, Masters RG, Chan KL. Circulation 1998;97:932-933.
- Management of Patients with Mild Aortic Stenosis undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Tam J, Masters RG, Burwash IG, Mayhew AD and Chan K-L. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998; 65:1215-9.
- Delay in Revascularization is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Severe LV Dysfunction and Viable Myocardium on FDG PET Imaging. Beanlands RSB, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, deKemp RA, Woodend K, Ruddy TD. Circulation 1998 Nov 10 (19 Suppl) II51-6
- Safety and Tolerability of Cyclosporine Microemulsion in Heart Transplant Recipients: A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind Comparison with the Oil-Based Formulation of Cyclosporine. Eisen, Hobbs, Davis, Laufer, Mancini, Renlund, Valantine, Ventura, Antoine, Bourge, Canver, Carrier, Costanzo, Copeland, Dureau, Frazier, Hauptman, Kells, Masters, Michaud, Paradis, Smith, Haecke, Feuten, Turkin, Mueller. Lancet (in-press)
- Key References: Circulatory Support Devices for Bridge to Transplantation. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes K, Keon WJ. Annals of Thoracic Surgery (in press)
- Circulatory Support Devices for Bridge to Recovery. Annals of Thoracic Surgery Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes K, Keon WJ. 1998 Sept 66(3) 975-6
- Cardiac Operations in the Elderly: Who is at Risk? G. Maharajh, R. G. Masters, W.J. Keon. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998; 66: 1670-3.
- Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Cyclosporine Microemulsion in Heart Transplant Recipients: A Randomized, Multi-Center Double -Blind Comparison. Eisen, Hobbs, Davis, Masters et al Transplantation (1999)
- Development of a Ventricular Assist Device for Out-of-Hospital Use. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. J Heart Lung Transplant 1999; 18:2: 166-171
- Determinants of Survival after Reoperative Single Valve Replacement. Gill IS, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol 1999; 15: 12071210.
- Are Elderly Patients with Mechanical Valves at Increased Risk? Masters RG, Semelhago L, Pipe AL, Keon WJ. Annals of Thorac Surgery 1999; 68: 2169-2172.
- Ochronosis: An Unusual Finding at Heart Surgery. Helou J, Masters RG, Veinot J. Can J Cardiol 1999;15: 1013-5.
- In Vivo Evaluation of an IntraThoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Hendry P, Masters RG, Ibrahim M, Bourke M, Keaney M, Kilborn S, Keon WJ, Mussivand T.ASAIO Journal 1999;45:123-126.
- Discoordinate modulation of Natriuretic Peptides during Cardiac Allograft Rejection. Masters RG, Davies RA, Hendry PJ, Smith S, deBold A. Circulation 1999; 100: 287-291.
- Aortic Medial changes associated with Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Myth or Reality? Parai J, Veinot JP, Masters RG. Can J Cardiol 1999; 15: 1233-8.
- Progress with the HeartSaver Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, King M, Holmes KS, Keon WJ. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1999; 68: 785-789
- Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Cyclosporine Microemulsion in Heart Transplant Recipients: A Randomized, Multi-Center Double -Blind Comparison: Results at 24 months. Eisen, Hobbs, Davis, Masters et al Transplantation (1999) (In Press)
- Comparative Results with the St.Jude Medical, Medtronic-Hall and Carbomedics Mechanical Valves. Masters RG, Helou J, Pipe A and Keon WJ. J Heart Valve Dis 2001; 10: 403-9.
- The HeartSaver Left Ventricular Assist Device: An Update. Hendry PJ, Mussivand TV, Masters RG, Bourke ME, Guiraudon GM, Holmes KS, Day KD, Keon WJ. Ann Thorac Surg 2001; 71:S166-70.
- A Totally Implantable VAD with Remote Patient Monitoring and Control. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG and Keon WJ. J Cong Heart Failure and Support 2001; 4: 371-7.
- Are Mechanical Valves Safe to Use in the Elderly ? Masters RG, Haddad M and Pipe A. J Heart Valve Disease (In Press)
- Implantation Technique of the HeartSaver Left Ventricular Assist Device. Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Mussivand T. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2002; 7: 152-7.
- Essential Thrombocytosis Causing Massive Myocardial Infarction. Haddad M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Veinot J. Cardiovascular Pathology 2003; 12: 216-218.
- The On-X Prosthetic Heart Valve at Five Years. Members of the On-X Prosthetic Heart Valve Trial. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2002; 74: S1312-17.
- Mechanical Support for Adolescent Patients: The Ottawa Heart Institute Experience. Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Davies RA, Mesana T, Struthers C, Mussivand T, Keon WJ. Can J Cardiol 2003; 19: 409-412.
- Cardiovascular Endocrinology in Humans Receiving Cardiac Allografts. Ogawa T, Veinot JP, Davies, RA, Haddad H, Smith SJ, Masters RG, Handry PJ, Starling R, deBold M, Ponce A, Ma K, deBold A. (In Press)
- In Vivo Evaluation of the Biocompatibility of the Totally Implantable Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Harasaki H, Litwak K, Salughter S, Gray L, Dowling R, Mueller R, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Beck-de-Silav L, Davies RA, Haddad H, Mesana TG, Keon WJ. ASAIO J 2003;49:459-462.
- Everolimus for the Prevention of Allograft Rejection in Cardiac Transplant Recipients. Eisen et al for the RADB253 Study Group (including Masters RG). New England J Med 2003,349:847-857.
- Ventricular Assist Devices as a Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation: The Ottawa Experience. Haddad M, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Mesana T, Haddad H, Davies RA, Mussivand TV, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Artificial Organs 2004; 28: 136-141.
- Patient Selection for Left Ventricular Assist Devices. Mielniczuk L., Mussivand T, Davies R, Mesana TG, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ, Haddad HA. Artificial Organs 2004; 28:152-157.
- Improved Early Survival with the Total Artificial Heart. Haddad M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Mesana T, Haddad H, Davies RA, Mussivand TV, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Artificial Organs 2004; 28:161-165.
- Heart Transplantation at the Ottawa Heart Institute: Comparison with Canadian and International Results. Davies RA, Badovinac K, Haddad H, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Struthers C, Veinot JP, Smith S, Mussivand TV, Mesana T, Keon WJ. Artificial Organs 2004; 28:166-170.
- Late Incidence and Determinants of Reoperation in Patients with Prosthetic Valves. Ruel M, Kulik A, Rubens FD, Masters RG et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004; 25(3): 364-70.
- Durability of the Hancock II Bioprosthesis. Haddad M, Masters RG, Veinot J et al. Ann Thorac Surg (In Press)
- Neuroendocrine Profiling of Humans Receiving Cardiac Allografts. Ogawa, Veinot, Davies, Haddad, Smith, Masters et al. J Heart Lung Transpl (In Press)
- Long-term Outcomes of Valve Replacement with Modern Prostheses in Young Adults. Ruel M, Kulik A, Lam BK, Rubens FD, Hendry PJ, Masters RG et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2005; 27(3): 425-33.
- Late Incidence and Determinants of Stroke after Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement. Ruel M, Masters RG, Rubens FD et al. Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 78(1): 77-83.
- Late Incidence and Predictors of Persistent or Recurrent Heart Failure in Patients with Mitral Prosthetic Valves. Ruel M, Rubens FD, Masters RG et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005: 128 (2): 278-283.
- Induction Immunesuppression after Heart Transplantation: Monoclonal vs Polyclonal Antithymoglobulins. Haddad M, Al-Ghofali F, Ferguson D, Masters RG. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2005 (4) 415 - 419.
- Left ventricular assist devices as bridge to heart transplantation in congestive heart failure with pulmonary hypertension. Haddad, Elabassi, Moustafi, Davies, Mesana, Hendry, Masters, Mussivand. ASAIO J. 2005 Jul-Aug;51(4):456-60. Review. 100. North American Multicenter Experience with the On-X Prosthetic Heart Valve. McNicholas, Ivey, Metras, Marra, Masters, Dilling, Slaughter, Mack. J Heart Valve Dis 2006 Jan 15(1) 73-78.
- Combined Atrial Fibrillation ablation with mitral valve surgery. Mesana, Kulick, Ruel, Hendry, MastersRubens, Bedard, Lam. J Heart Valve Dis 2007; 15: 515-520.
- Mechanical versus Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement in Middle-aged patients. Kulik, Bedard, Lam, Rubens, Hendry, Masters, Mesana, Ruel. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2006: July 18.
- Papillary Fibroelastoma of the Pulmonary Valve. Ibrahim, Masters, Hynes, Veinot, Davies. Can J Cardiol 2006 May 22 (6), 509-10.
- Impending Pulmonary Embolus Early Post-Coronary Surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2006 Feb 29.
- The Impact of Patient-prosthesis Mismatch on Late Outcomes after Mitral replacement. Lam, Chan, Hendry, Ruel, Masters, Bedard, Goldstein, Rubens, Mesana. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007, June, 1464-1467.
- Management of acute severe perioperative failure of cardiac allografts: A single center experience. Ibrahim, Hendry, Masters, Rubens, Lam, Ruel, Davies, Haddad, Veinot, Mesana. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23: 363-367.
- Assessment of cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters to facilitate conversion from C0 to C2 monitoring in heart transplantation. Davies, Veinot, Willimas, Haddad, Baker, Donaldson, Struthers, Masters, Hendry, Mesana. Transplant Proc 2007; Dec; 39(10):3334-9.
- Very Long-term Survival implications of Heart Valve Replacement with Tissue versus Mechanical prostheses in Adults <60 Years of Age. Ruel, Chan, Bedard, Kulik, Ressler, Lam, Ruenns, Goldstein, Hendry, Masters, Mesana. Circulation 2007: Sept 11 (11 Suppl): 1294-300.
- Gender differences in the Long-Term Outcome after Valve replacement. Kulik, Lam, Rubens, Hendry, Masters, Goldstein, Mesana, Ruel. Heart 2008; July 24:
- Enlargement of the Small Aortic Root during Aortic Valve Replacement: Is there a Benefit ? Kulik, Al-Saigh, Chan, Masters, Bedard, Lam, Rubens, Hendry, Mesana. Ann Thor Surg 2008; Jan 85(1): 94-100.
- Cardiogenic Shock: Use of The Total Artificial Heart To Transplantation, RG Masters, Beijing, China, November 4 7, l987.
- The Total Artificial Heart As A Bridge To Transplantation, I.S.C.V.S. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell EM, Sydney, September 20 25, l987.
- Total Artificial Heart in Cardiogenic Shock, Case Report. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell EM, S.T.S., Toronto, September 21-23, 1987.
- The Total Artificial Heart (TAH) As A Bridge To Transplantation in Cardiogenic Shock. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell EM, Robblee J, Edmonton, October 28-31, 1987.
- The Total Artificial Heart. Koshal A, Masters RG, Keon WJ, Canadian Symposium on Multi-Organ Transplantation, London, May 1988.
- Coronary Endarterectomy - An Adjunct to Bypass Grafting : European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Helsinki, 1988.
- Pleuro-Pulmonary Complications Following Open-Heart Surgery. Shamji FM, Sundaresan RS, Sachs HJ, Keon WJ, Koshal A, Bedard P, Goldstein W, Akyurekli Y, Masters RG, Ottawa, September 1988.
- Preservation of Hemodynamic Function in Donor Hearts Transported at 120C. Boyd D, Koshal A, Masters RG, Davies RA, Keon WJ, Can Cardiovasc Society, Halifax, N.S. October 17-21, 1990.
- Size Mismatch Tolerance in Neonatal and Pediatric Heart Transplantation. Keon WJ, Koshal A, Masters RG, Simons J, Vlad P, Can Cardiovasc Society, Halifax, N.S. October 17-21, 1990.
- Utility of Severity of Illness Analysis In Dissection of the Thoracic Aorta. Teskey RJ, Masters RG, Beanlands DS, Keon WJ, Can Cardiovasc Society, Halifax, N.S. October 17-21, 1990.
- Continuous Arterio Venous Hemofiltration (CAVH): A preferred approach for post cardiac surgery renal failure (PCSRF). Assi N, Koshal A, Posen GA*, Masters RG, Keon WJ, Can Cardiovasc Society, Halifax, N.S. Oct 17-21, 1990.
- Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH) and Continuous Equilibration Peritoneal Dialysis (CEPD):A Preferred Approach for Post Cardiac Surgery Renal Failure (PCSRF). Posen GA, Assi N, Koshal A, Masters RG, Keon WJ, Am. Soc. Nephrology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Westerville, Ohio December 2-5, 1990.
- Early Clinical Experience with a New Bioprosthesis: The Importance of Hemodynamic Assessment. Masters RG, Keon WJ, Pipe AL, Chan K, Walley VM, Boyle A, Asia-Pacific Valve Symposium, California, February 15-17, 1991.
- Are Mechanical Valves a Good Alternative for the Elderly. Masters RG, Keon WJ, Pipe AL, Koshal A, Asia-Pacific Valve Symposium, California, February 15-17, 1991.
- Long-term Clinical Results with the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Xenograft. Masters RG, et al. Cardiology Digest, 6:15, 1991.
- Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH) and Continuous Equilibration Peritoneal Dialysis (CEPD):A Preferred Approach for Post Cardiac Surgery Renal Failure (PCSRF). Posen GA, Assi N, Koshal A, Masters RG, Keon WJ, ASAIO, Chicago, Illinois, April 25-27, 1991.
- Critical Anatomical Dimensions for Intrathoracic Circulatory Assist Devices. Mussivand T, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Rajagopalan K, Walley VM, Hicks A, Stinson W, Nahon D, Koshal A, Keon WJ, VIII World Congress of the International Society for Artif Organs, Montreal, August 1991.
- Are Mechanical Valves A Good Alternative for the Elderly? Masters RG, Pipe AL, Koshal A, Edmonds K, Keon WJ, Can Cardiovasc Society, Calgary, Alberta, October 18, 1991.
- Orthotopic Cardiac Transplantation in Neonates and Children: Early Results. Simons J, Masters RG, Vlad P, Koshal A, Keon WJ, Can Cardiovasc Society, Calgary, Alberta, October 18, 1991.
- In-Vitro and In-Vivo Evaluation of a Unified Ventricle Assist Device. Mussivand T, Diegel P, Miller J, MacLean G, Santere P, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Adams W, Olsen D, Keon WJ, Cardiovasc Science & Technology, Baltimore, December 1991.
- Current Functional Status of Symbion Total Artificial Heart Recipients Post-Transplantation. Johnson KE, Farley MB, Grady KL, Capretta CJ, Masters RG, Cleavinger M, Emery RW, Soc of Thoracic Surgeons, San Francisco, California November 15-17, 1991.
- Symbion Total Artificial Heart for Cardiogenic Shock. Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ, Koshal A, Davies RA, 38th Annual Meeting, ASAIO, Nashville, Tennessee, May 7-9, 1992.
- Performance Evaluation of a Transcutaneous Infared Telemetry System. Miller J, Mussivand T, Belanger G, Hendry P, Masters R, Keaney M, Walley V, Keon, WJ, 38th Annual Meeting, ASAIO, Nashville, Tennessee, May 7-9, 1992.
- Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System Performance Evaluation. Mussivand T, Miller J, Belanger G, Rajagopalan K, Hendry P, Masters R, Keaney M, Walley V, Stinson W, Keon WJ, 38th Annual Meeting, ASAIO, Nashville, Tennessee, May 7-9, 1992.
- Cardiac Tumors: University of Ottawa Experience. Wiatrowska B, Walley VM, Masters RG, Goldstein G, Keon WJ, Can Academy Pathology, Sept 1992.
- Death After Cardiac Transplant: Causes. Walley VM, Boone SA, Masters RG, Davies RA, Keon WJ. Can Academy Pathology, Sept 1992
- Impact of Peri-Angioplasty Myocardial Infarction and Surgical Results Following Failed PTCA. Gill I, Hendry PJ, Laramee L, Masters RG, Haspect A, Gordon J, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Ottawa, 1992.
- Infective Endocarditis: Potential Role of Sequential Echocardiographic Studies. Auclair F, Chan K, Masters RG, Saginur R, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Ottawa 1992.
- Influence of Priority Status on Outcome of Cardiac Transplantation. Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Mussivand T, Davies RA, Walley VM, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Ottawa 1992.
- In-vitro and In-vivo Testing of Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System. Mussivand T, Miller J, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Belanger G, Walley V. Proceedings: Cardiovascular Science and Technology Conference, 1992.
- Influence of Priority Status on Outcome of Cardiac Transplantation. Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Mussivand T, Struthers C. International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons 3rd World Congress, Salzburg, 1993.
- Trends in Emergency Bypass for Failed PTCA (1981 - 1991). Gill I, Hendry PJ, Laramee LA, Masters RG, Keon WJ. International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons 3rd World Congress, Salzburg, 1993.
- Infective Endocarditis: Potential Role of Sequential Echocardiographic Studies. Auclair F, Chan K, Masters RG, Saginur R. Am. Soc. Microbiology Annual Meeting, October, California 1992.
- Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Heart Transplantation Patients with Bacteremia. Auclair F, Masters RG, Davies, RA, Jessamine P, Keon WJ, Saginur R. 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, June 27-July 2nd, 1992.
- Atrial Versus Ventricular Cannulation for Bridge-to-Transplantation with the Thoratec VAD System, Farrar DJ, and Thoratec VAD Clinical Investigators, Cardiovascular Science and Technology Conference, Dec. 12-14, 1992, Bethesda Md.
- Preoperative Predictors of Survival in Patients with Thoratec Ventricular Assist Devices as a Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation, Farrar DJ, and Thoratec VAD Principle Investigators (incl Masters RG), International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, April 1-3, 1993, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Infectious Mortality in the Jarvik Total Artificial Heart (TAH) as a Bridge to Transplantation. Morrisey J-P, Saginur R, Jessamine P, Masters RG, Keon WJ. 33rd ICAAC, New Orleans, May 1993.
- Cytomegalovirus Immune Globulin Interferes with Serological Testing After Heart Transplantation. Davies RA, Watson I, Manion D, Struthers C, Auclair F, Diaz-Mitoma F, Masters RG, Saginur R. Canadian Transplant Society Meeting, Whistler, B.C. September 1993.
- Pravastatin is Safe and Effective for Hypercholesterolemia After Heart Transplantation. Davies RA, Masters RG, Struthers C. Canadian Transplant Society Meeting, Whistler, B.C. September 1993.
- Wound Infection in Cardiac Surgery. Softah A, Bédard P, Brais MP, Hendry PJ, Goldstein W, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Royal College Meeting, Vancouver, Sept. 1993.
- Mobilization and Hospital Length of Stay: A Pilot Study for the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient. Mayhew A, Moher D, Masters RG, Miller J, Veilleux E, Harkness C, Santere S. 46th Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Vancouver, Oct 1993.
- Myocardial Ca++ Uptake in Cardiac Transplantation. Masters RG, Davies RA, Labow RS, Hendry PJ, Harmsen E, Waghray G, Meek E. 46th Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Vancouver, Oct 1993.
- Functional Recovery After Urgent Heart Transplantation. Petsikas D, Davies RA, Masters RG, Struthers C, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. 46th Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Vancouver, Oct 1993.
- Should Cold Crystalloid Cardioplegia be Abandoned in the 1990's? Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Haspect A. 46th Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Vancouver, Oct 1993.
- The Effect of a Benzoporphyrin Derivative (BPD) and Photodynamic Therapy on Cultured Human Artery Smooth Muscle Cells. Labow R, Higginson L, Irvine J, Keaney M, Masters R, Marquis JF, Meek E, Mussivand T, Walley VM. Restenosis Summit VI, Cleveland, Ohio,
- May 1994.
- The Morphology of Explanted Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Xenografts. Walley, VM, Masters RG, Stinson WA, Pipe AL, Keon WJ.International Symposium, Cardiac Bioprosthesis, Vancouver, July 1994.
- Long-term Follow-Up of the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Xenograft. Masters RG, Walley VM, Pipe A, Keon WJ. International Symposium Cardiac Bioprosthesis, Vancouver, July 1994.
- Effects of Elevated Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Pulmonary Artery Pressures on Patient Morbidity Post Heart Transplantation. Struthers C, Smith S, Masters RG, Davies RA, Donat E. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Edmonton, October 1994.
- The Effect of Gender on Hospital Stay Post Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Mayhew AD, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Fodor JG. CACRC Scientific Sessions, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Edmonton, October, 1994.
- .Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation for Profound Cardiovascular Collapse. Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Walley VM, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Edmonton, October 1994.
- Determinants of Early Survival Following Cardiac Transplantation. Ibrahim M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Edmonton, October 1994.
- Development of a Transcutaneous Energy and Information Transfer System. Mussivand T, Hum A, Diguer M, Holmes K, Vecchio G, Masters RG, Hendry P, Keon WJ. 41st Annual ASAIO Conference, Chicago, May 1995.
- Artificial Heart and Ventricular Assist Devices Program: An Eight Year Experience at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Ross RA, Smith S, Walley WM, Struthers C, Mussivand T, Lavallee G, Blohon R, Keon WJ. Circulatory Support Meeting, Pittsburg, 1994.
- Preoperative and Postoperative Comparison of Patients with Uni- and Bi-Ventricular Thoratec VAD Support asa Bridge to Heart Transplantation. David J. Farrar, J. Donald Hill and Thoratec VAD Principal Investigators(incl Roy G Masters), California Pacific Med. Ctr, San Francisco and Thoratec Laboratories, Berkeley CA.
- Pulsatile Flow Artificial Heart. Mussivand T, Masters RG, Hum A, Holmes KS, Rajagopalan K, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. University of Ottawa Heart Institute. 15th Can Congress of Applied Mechanics, May - June, 1995.
- Development of a Transcutaneous Energy and Information Transfer System. Mussivand T, Hum A, Diguer M, Holmes K, Vecchio G, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. ASAIO Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill, 1995.
- Preoperative Hemodynamics do not Predict Early or Late Outcome in Cardiac Transplantation. Donat ME, Smith SJ, Masters RG, Struthers C, Davies RA, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Annual Meeting, Toronto, 1995.
- In Vivo Assessment of a Totally Implantable Intrathoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T and the Artificial Heart Research Group. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Annual Meeting, Toronto, 1995.
- Determinants of Hospital Survival Following Re-Operative Valve Replacement. Gill I, Masters RG, Pipe A, Keon WJ. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Annual Meeting, Toronto, 1995.
- Development of a Totally Implantable Intrathoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes K, Hum A, Rajagopalan K, Keon WJ. X World Congress for the International Society for Artificial Organs, Taipei, 1995.
- Is There a Need for Concomitant Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Mild Aortic Stenosis Undergoing CABG? Tam JW, Masters RG, Burwash IG, Kim HH, Chan KL. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, October, 1996.
- Influence of Recipient Age on Outcome of Cardiac Transplantation. Semelhago LC, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Royal College Meeting, Halifax, September, 1996.
- Is There a Need for Concomitant Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Mild Aortic Stenosis Undergoing CABG? Tam JW, Masters RG, Burwash IG, Kim HH, Chan KL. American Heart Assoc. New Orleans, November 1996.
- Cardiac Surgical Site Infections at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Jessamine P, McWhinney K, Sherrard H, Masters RG, Wells, G. Cdn Assoc. of Clinical Microbiologists and Infectious Diseases, Hamilton, November 1996.
- Remote Monitoring of Patients with Implantable VADs using Cellular Technology. Mussivand T, Hum A, Holmes KS, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. ASAIO, Atlanta, 1997.
- A Ventricular Assist Device for Outpatient Therapy of Heart Failure Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Beanlands DS, Davies RA, Smith SJ, Keon WJ. First Annual Meeting; Heart Failure Society of America, Baltimore, September 1997.
- Potential for Cost Saving with FDG PET Imaging in Patients being considered for Cardiac Transplantation. Beanlands RSB, Nichol G, Visentin DE, Smith S, deKemp DA, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Davies RA, Aung M, Ruddy TD. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, 1997
- Delay in Revascularization is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Severe LV Dysfunction and Viable Myocardium on FDG PET Imaging. Beanlands RSB,Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Aung M, Ruddy TD. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, 1997
- General Surgery Complications in Cardiac Surgery. Moffatt SD, Masters RG, Scarth HMC. Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, 1997
- Are Elderly Patients at Increased Risk with Mechanical Heart Valves. Semelhago LC, Masters RG, Pipe AL, Keon WJ.Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, 1997
- An Intrathoracic Ventricular Assist Device without Percutaneous Lines. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ.Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, 1997
- Recovery of Calves with Ventricular Tachycardia/Fibrillation by a LVAD. Ibrahim M, Hendry P, Masters R, Bourke M, Keaney M, Kilborn M, Mueller R, Keon W, Mussivand T. ASAIO Annual Meeting, New York, April 1998
- Thirty Day In-Vivo Evaluation of the HeartSaver Ventricular Assist Device. Mussivand T, Hendry P, Masters R, Ibrahim M, Bourke M, Keaney M, Ho C, Keon W. ASAIO Annual Meeting, New York, April 1998.
- Should Cardiopulmonary Bypass be Avoided when implanting VADs in a Bovine Model? Hendry P, Masters R, Ibrahim M, Bourke M, Keaney M, Mueller R, Keon W, Mussivand T. ASAIO Annual Meeting, New York, April 1998.
- In-Vivo Evaluation of an IntraThoracic Ventricular Assist Device. Hendry P, Masters R, Ibrahim M, Bourke M, Keaney M, Kilborn S, Keon W, Mussivand T. ASAIO Annual Meeting, New York, April 1998.
- Circulatory Support for Cardiogenic Shock due to Acute Myocardial Infarction. PJ Hendry, R.G. Masters, T.Mussivand, S.Smith, R.A.Davies, S.Finlay, W.J.Keon. ISHLT, Chicago, April,1998.
- A Totally Implantable Ventricular Assist Device for Long-Term Out-of-Hospital Support. T Mussivand, PJ Hendry, R.G.Masters, W.J.Keon. ISHLT, Chicago, April, 1998.
- Preparations for the clinical utilization of the HeartSaver VAD. T Mussivand, PJ Hendry, R.G.Masters, M Bourke, R Mueller, D Beanlands, S Smith, RA Davies, T Ruddy, K Ascah, W.J.Keon. CCS, Quebec, 1999.
- F-18-FDG PET predicts the degree of recovery of LV dysfunction post-revascularization.
- R Beanlands, T Ruddy, R de Kemp, P Hendry, R masters, G Coates and the PARR Investigators. CCS, Quebec, 1999.
- Mechanical Support for Heart Failure: Ottawa Heart Institute Experience. PJ Hendry, RG Masters, RA Davies,, G Lavalee,, T Mussivand, WJ Keon. WAITS Ottawa, August, 2001.
- First Out-Of-Hospital Experience of Patient Supported with on Novacor LVAD: A Multidisciplinary Approach. C Struthers, RA Davies, I Glasgow, PJ Hendry, MP Jackson, G Lavalee, RG Masters, T Mussivand, L Zitouni. WAITS Ottawa, August, 2001.
- Mechanical Support in Pediatric Patients: PJ Hendry, RG Masters, RA Davies,, G Lavalee,, T Mussivand, WJ Keon. WAITS Ottawa, August, 2001.
- In Vivi Evaluation of the Biocompatibility of a Totally Implantable VAD (HeartSaver VAD) T Mussivand, PJ Hendry, RG Masters T Mesana , WJ Keon et al. ASAIO, New York, June, 2002.
- Late Reoperations for Peri-Prosthetic False Aneurysms Following Surgery of Type A Aortic Dissections: What did we learn? T Mesana, F Collart, T Caus, JY Gaubert, RG Masters, FD Rubens. CCC Edmonton, October, 2002.
- Sixteen Years Experience with Mechanical Circulatory Support at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. PJ Hendry, RG Masters, RA Davies et al. CCC, Edmonton, October 2002.
- Assessment of Reversibility of Refractory Pulmonary Hypertension Before Heart Transplantation With Nitric Oxide. RA Davies, H Haddad, M Bourke et al. CCC, Edmonton, October, 2002.
- Eighteen Years Experience with Heart Transplantation at the Ottawa Heart Institute: Comparison with Benchmark Canadian and International Results. RA Davies, H Haddad, K Badovinac et al. CCC, Edmonton, October, 2002.
- Late Incidence and Predictors of CVA in Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves. M Ruel, RG Masters, FD Rubens, TG Mesana. CCC, Edmonton, October, 2002.
- Late Incidence and Predictors of CVA in Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves. M Ruel, RG Masters, FD Rubens, A Pipe, TG Mesana. AHA Annual Meeting, Chicago, November, 2002.
- Late Incidence and Risk Factors for reoperation in Patients with Prosthetic Valves. Mesana TG, Ruel M, Kulik A, Masters RG, Pipe A, Rubens F. AHA annual meeting, November 2003
- Determination of Optimal Everolimus Concentrations in De Novo Heart Transplantation. W Hauck, H Haddad, R Davies, RG Masters et al. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Everolimus is Associated with Reduced Incidence of CMV Infection in Heart Transplantation. W Hauck, S Perrone, M White, et al (RG Masters) Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Everolimus reduces Allograft Vasculopathy in De Novo Heart Transplantation. W Hauck, D Delgado, S Perrone et al (RG Masters) Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A
- Late Incidence and Risk Factors for Reoperation in Patients with Prosthetic Valves. A Kulik, M Ruel, FD Rubens, RG Masters et al. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- The Canadian Experience with the Implantable Left Ventricular Assist System as a Bridge to Transplantation. T Mussivand, PJ Hendry, RG Masters et al. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Prosthesis Size and Mismatch are Independently Predictive of Recurrent Heart Failure after Aortic Valve Replacement. M Ruel, Dr Fraser, RG Masters et al. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Improved Outcomes with the Total Artificial Heart. M Haddad, RG Masters, PJ Hendry et al. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Clinical Performance of the Hancock II Bioprosthetic Valve. M Haddad, RG Masters, JP Veinot. Can J Card 2003; 19: Supp A.
- Mid-Life Dilemma: Mechanical versus Bioprosthetic Valves. Kulik A, Lam B-K, Rubens FR, Masters RG, et. al. International Society for Heart Valve Disease. Annual Meeting. Vancouver, June, 2005.
- Emergency Valve Replacement: Factors that make a difference. Lam B-K, Ruel M, Hendry PJ, Masters RG et al. International Society for Heart Valve Disease. Annual Meeting. Vancouver, June, 2005.
- Determinants of Survival after Heart Transplantation. Davies, Badovinac, Trpeski, Hendry, Masters, Haddad, Veinot et al. Can J Cardiology Vol 21, Suppl C, 2005.
- Mechanical versus Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement in Middle-Aged Patients. Kulik, Lam, Rubnes, Hendry, Masters et al. Can J Cardiology Vol 21, Suppl C, 2005.
- Coronary Endarterectomy. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell EM, Hendry PJ. Surgical Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders, June 1988.
- Total Artificial Heart as a Bridge to Transplantation. Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease. Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Farrell EM. Blackwell Scientific Publication, 1989.
- Development of a Totally Implantable intra-thoracic ventricular assist device. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. In: Heart Replacement- Artificial Heart 6. Akutsu and Koyangi (eds), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan, March 1998.
- Surgery for Valvular Heart Disease. Masters RG and Keon WJ. Cardiac Surgery Secrets. Soltoski et al (eds),Hanley and Belfus Inc., Philadelphia, 2000.
- Emergency Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Keon WJ and Masters RG. Cardiac Surgery Secrets. Soltoski et al (eds), Hanley and Belfus Inc., Philadelphia, 2000.
- Mechanical Circulatory Support. Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. In:Surgical Options for the Treatment of Heart Failure, R.G. Masters (Editor) Kluwer Academic Press,1999.
- The HeartSaver VAD. A Fully Implantable Ventricular Assist Device for Long-Term Support. T Mussivand, PJ Hendry, RG Masters, WJ Keon. In; Cardiac Assist Devices, DJ Goldstein and MC Oz (Eds) Futura Publishers, 2000.
- Surgical Options for the Treatment of Heart Failure, R.G. Masters (Editor) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1999.